Ginger’s Story of Healing: A Parent’s Perspective

Deep within we all have this desire to begin again. It is hard to do when the fear of something so basic as eating has been pushed so far down, that you can hardly feel anymore. Our daughter, Ellie, was diagnosed with anorexia at the end of seventh grade. At the time she seemed like just a little girl. The diagnosis was so big and life changing that it just didn’t feel real.  But as we drove her to inpatient treatment, the everyday reality of battling an eating disorder took over our family for the next six years. 

As her mother, I knew this was going to be a journey of sacrificial love…and I am ashamed to admit this, but one of my fears was did I cause this for my daughter? I too struggled with food as a young girl, but the perfectionist in me never allowed anyone to see it. I kept it hidden because the desire to be good and perfect was way greater. Everyday she was alive, I was thankful. But living with the rigorous schedules of therapies, hospitalizations, in and out of treatments, meal prepping and feedings that could last for hours were at times so grueling, I thought there was no way we could ever overcome, nor sustain this.  

But something deep within my heart kept pulling me through to a trust and belief that her life and what she was made for could be found again.  I believe that inner depth was God holding my hand as He held my very thin and cold little girl. I can see it all now so clearly, His permissive will was to heal my own hidden wounds as He guided us to heal our daughter’s.  

In His wonderful amazing love, He healed our family too. But anyone who knows this journey well, will tell you that it is a marathon not a sprint. It took us six years, several relapses and lot of prayers and patience to realize that fighting your demons can never be fought alone. By the time we found Rock Recovery we were so worn out and tired from the journey; and our finances were barely covering the groceries, much less than the treatments we still so desperately needed. No one tells you that when you get sick in mental health, that insurance just seems to go silent. However, those who had helped us up until this point were like angels leading us to the final victory, so hope was not lost on us. Sure we were tired and a bit overwhelmed, maybe a bit cranky too, but that’s where God meets us sometimes so we know it’s Him who heals and not up to us to earn His love and provision.

There’s an expression out there, that when you hit rock bottom, sometimes that hard bottom is God, Himself, not letting you fall any further. Well when we made the call to Rock Recovery, we were at what felt like rock bottom for our daughter. But just as faith warms ones soul to hope, I began to see the miracle unfold. 

It was the only place that offered faith based healing and prayers. They took Ellie in out of the cold and away from my protective grip and she began to take her recovery into her own hands. She went weekly to group therapy while I plugged in to New ID. They offered us a sliding scale for both programs and without it, we never could have afforded this final victory.  They gave us flexible schedules, encouragement, and hope.  My daughter learned to speak the voice of her heart and articulate her pain through her own words backed by encouraging and loving therapists. The group therapy gave her a safe place to practice being herself without judgment. They just somehow knew how to reach the child without going through food. I knew that grace was the foundation for Rock Recovery’s work and without grace there are no miracles, and we needed both to heal. It was Rock Recovery that married the two and led us both to freedom’s doorstep.  

Our daughter is fully free from anorexia and in college now. She smiles and eats and lives her best life yet. She has joy and is able to share that joy with others. Her journey is now her gift and from the bottom of my heart, I can not say enough wonderful things about Rock Recovery. Their work of healing is truly a gift from God and I am so thankful to have our daughter back. For those souls that donate and give without ever being thanked….. thank you….you save so many lives and I pray that God blesses you abundantly. I hope I can give back someday all that we have been given by those of you who make it your life mission to bring healing to this world.  Again, thank you.

If you would like to give so that more families like Ginger’s can experience healing and freedom from an eating disorder, click here to donate today.


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